After the root canal system has been permanently sealed, the endodontic treatment is technically complete. However, the access opening in the outer surface is often sealed with a temporary restoration. And, in such cases, a more permanent follow-up restoration must be placed to protect your tooth against fracture and decay. Please, telephone your general dentist right away to schedule an appointment two to three weeks after your appointment with us. A complete report of our treatment (including x-rays of the area before and after the treatment) will be sent to your general dentist before that return appointment with their office. If any post-treatment issues or concerns develop following the endodontic treatment, a follow-up examination to evaluate the area may be necessary. This appointment will require only a few minutes and no additional fee will be charged. In fact, any follow-up visit needed within twelve months of the final treatment date will typically be free of charge. Please call to arrange this follow-up appointment, if you feel it is necessary.